Specialized fabrications of critical components for the expansion of offshore energy.
Platforms and Anode Cages
As the world focuses on alternative green energy sources, the expansion of offshore wind is accelerating and commitments for offshore wind power project development have never been higher.
We work with some of the biggest names in the industry on major U.S. offshore wind projects to provide solutions for prefabricated steel components such as:
- Supported Internal Platforms (SIP)
- Anode Cage (AC) assemblies
- Monopile (MP) Doors
Developing Solutions for Offshore Wind

Welding Capabilities
Welding processes include:
- GMAW – Gas Metal Arc (Mig)
- GTAW – Gas Tungsten Arc (Tig)
- SMAW – Shielded Metal Arc (Stick)
- FCAW – Flux Cored Arc
- ESW – Electroslag
- SAW – Submerged ArcSW – Stud Welding
- SW – Stud Welding
Specialty Coatings
Our new climate-controlled paint & coating capabilities were installed in our U.S. factory specifically to meet the requirements of the latest offshore wind projects. Covering over 15,000 sq.ft. and complete with alkaline wash, shot blast, and multiple paint booths all under the watch of our own in-house NACE CIP Level 2 certified coating inspectors.

We understand that quality is of utmost importance to every offshore wind project, and we have proven expertise in delivering quality steel fabrications according to ISO-3834-2, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001.
- We are proud to be the first U.S. based manufacturing facility to receive ISO-3834-2 comprehensive operations accreditation for Offshore Wind fabrications.
- Industry recognized as the first U.S. company to fabricate and deliver secondary steel structural components for the U.S. offshore wind industry.
- To manufacture and deliver prefabricated anode cage assembles for local dockside assembly, we have developed a unique high output modular anode cage production process utilizing proprietary fixtures and alignment tools (which have applications in the prefabrication, road transport and final assembly of other large annular structures).